Course Library
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Credit Hours:
- less than 1
This course defines Sales Coaching and explains the benefits of coaching.Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
Field of Study:
- Communications and Marketing
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
This course helps you identify daily sales coaching opportunities by introducing basic techniques to incorporate knowledge and skill-building into your team's workday routine. In addition, it compares ...Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
Field of Study:
- Communications and Marketing
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
This course helps you identify daily sales coaching opportunities by introducing basic techniques to incorporate knowledge and skill-building into your team's workday routine. In addition, it compares ...Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
Credit Hours:
- less than 1
This course discusses basic techniques for a good Follow Up, an essential part of the sales cycle.Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
Credit Hours:
- less than 1
This course focuses on Product Knowledge, an essential part our Sales Fundamental Training Series.Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
Credit Hours:
- less than 1
This course explores the ins and outs of leaving a Sales Voicemail.Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
This course helps generate âfollowersâ that every leader needs and, most importantly, create sales results.Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
This course discusses the most critical behaviors that a professional sales manager needs to develop, so he or she can build trust as a leader.Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
Field of Study:
- Communications and Marketing
Credit Hours:
- 21 + credits
Delivery Method:
- Group Live
Field of Study:
- Business Management and Organization
Credit Hours:
- 9 - 12 credits
Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
Field of Study:
- Communications and Marketing
Credit Hours:
- 21 + credits
Delivery Method:
- Group Live
Field of Study:
- Communications and Marketing
Credit Hours:
- 21 + credits
Delivery Method:
- Group Live
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
This course explains why defining this other level of sales strategy for your business helps you sell more and achieve important business goals.Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
Field of Study:
- Accounting
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
This course will cover the concept of sales tax, and how the contradicting definitions of “consumption” play a role in defining sales tax. We will define the over 11,000 sales tax jurisdictions curre ...Delivery Method:
- Group Live
- NY
Field of Study:
- Taxes
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
Providers of IT products and services are confronted with inconsistent and unclear state sales tax laws designed to address the taxation of tangible personal property. In this webinar, you will learn ...Delivery Method:
- Group Internet Based
Sales Tax Audits: Managing the Process & Minimizing Risk
The Center for Professional Education, Inc.Field of Study:
- Taxes
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
To keep tax professionals up-to-date with best practices for avoiding'& preparing for'a sales tax audit, as well as establishing sales tax compliance protocols.Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
Sales Tax Audits: Managing the Process and Minimizing Risk
The Center for Professional Education, Inc.Field of Study:
- Taxes
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
To keep tax professionals up-to-date with best practices for avoiding'and preparing for'a sales tax audit, as well as establishing sales tax compliance protocols.Delivery Method:
- Group Internet Based
Sales Tax Automation for Businesses: Benefits and Tax Compliance Practices Explored
25-Oct-2022 The Knowledge Group, LLCField of Study:
- Computer Software and Applications
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
Sales tax automation allows organizations to focus on growth without fear of noncompliance. When relying on manual processes or disjointed compliance systems, the likelihood of error increases and tea ...Program Level:
IntermediateDelivery Method:
- Group Internet Based
- NJ
Sales Tax Automation: Reducing Risk & Developing an Audit Trail
The Center for Professional Education, Inc.Field of Study:
- Taxes
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
To show tax professionals the benefits of sales tax automation in determining taxability, applying taxability in nexus states, & minimizing the audit risk associated with human error.Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
Sales Tax Automation: Reducing Risk and Developing an Audit Trail
The Center for Professional Education, Inc.Field of Study:
- Taxes
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
To show tax professionals the benefits of sales tax automation in determining taxability, applying taxability in nexus states, and minimizing the audit risk associated with human error.Delivery Method:
- Group Internet Based
Field of Study:
- Taxes
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
A recent Supreme Court case and related law changes in many states have resulted in significant new state sales tax obligations on many SaaS providers. It&rsquos important to understand that these cha ...Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
Field of Study:
- Taxes
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
The Supreme Court's Wayfair decision changes the game with respect to sales tax compliance. Now, many states are rushing to implement laws requiring even small businesses to charge, collect, and remit ...Program Level:
BasicDelivery Method:
- Group Internet Based
Sales Tax Compliance Technology Trends: Keeping up with the Challenges of Sales Tax Reporting
20-Sep-2022 The Knowledge Group, LLCField of Study:
- Taxes
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
As organizations across industries look for new ways to reach customers, many have turned to easily activated ecommerce channels or have begun to sell through third-party marketplaces. However, more s ...Program Level:
IntermediateDelivery Method:
- Group Internet Based
- NJ
Sales Tax in a Post-Wayfair World: Evolving Nexus & Other Trends
The Center for Professional Education, Inc.Field of Study:
- Taxes
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
To provide tax professionals with an overview of the changing sales tax nexus l&scape, in order to minimize the risk of a sales tax audit, & manage the audit process & documentation flow.Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
26317 Results