National Registry of CPE Sponsors

National Registry of CPE Sponsors


Best Practices

Best PracticesDuring the 2011 revisions process of the Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs (Standards), the NASBA CPE Standards Working Group discussed ways to provide CPE sponsors supplemental information to assist in the development of CPE programs. As a result, this Best Practices Library has been developed. The Best Practices Library is intended to provide supplemental information to assist in the development, presentation, measurement and reporting of CPE programs and to share best practices and ideas among CPE program sponsors. It does not represent “interpretations” of the Standards, and therefore, the contents of the Best Practices Library are not enforceable or required.

The best practices are presented by delivery method (Group Live, Group Internet Based, QAS™ Self Study, Independent Study, Nano Learning and Blended Learning) and in four broad categories (Development, Presentation, Measurement and Reporting).

The Best Practices Library is intended to be a working reference, all CPE program sponsors are encouraged to submit best practices information to NASBA for consideration and inclusion.

Information should be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors at