National Registry of CPE Sponsors

National Registry of CPE Sponsors


Group Internet Based: Presentation

Real Time Instructor during Program Presentation

  1. Once a Group Internet Based program is recorded or archived for future presentation, it continues to be a Group Internet Based program only where a real time subject matter expert facilitates the recorded program. A facilitator/live subject matter expert does not need to be physically present for a classroom or group viewing of the program. The facilitator/real time subject matter expert may be available remotely and only one facilitator/live subject matter expert is needed for the replay.
  2. The presence of a real time subject matter expert during the replay of a Group Internet Based program allows participant questions to be addressed real time and meets the definition of a group program where a real time instructor is present while the course is in progress. The real time subject matter expert does not need to present additional material but respond to question as raised by participants. If an answer to a question cannot be provided while the program is in progress, it is acceptable to follow up with the participant after the close of the session. A best practice would be to share that information with the entire participant group, if the question and response would be meaningful to the entire group.

Course Announcement/Promotional Materials

  1. Promotional materials should be consistent, current and up to date. Reference the most current course information. It could be covered in multiple sources: catalogs; course announcements; websites and course material itself. 

    Regarding the requirement to include a complaint resolution policy in your promotional materials, if you prefer not to use the term "complaint," you can substitute the terms "concern" or "issue" instead of "complaint" in your promotional materials.
  2. Example of Registration Requirement:

    The registration fee for the workshop is $2,450 for registrations before October 1, 2015. The registration fee after October 1, 2015 is $2,950. The registration form is enclosed with the brochure and is also available online at  Payment can be made by check or credit card.


Course Evaluations

  1. Course sponsors should consider the feedback received on the evaluation forms (both quantitative and qualitative) when making enhancements to future offerings of the programs.  For example, learners may be asked "what were the most valuable aspects of the program;" "what were the least valuable aspects of the program;" or "what suggestions do you have for the program?"

    Example Evaluation questions:

    What did you hope to gain from your participation in this learning experience?
    Did the program meet your expectations listed above?

  2. Program sponsors are required to distribute a course evaluation form with each program; however, you need not obtain an evaluation form from a participant before awarding CPE credits.  Course participants are not required to complete and return course evaluation forms to the program sponsor.

  3. You should obtain a summary of evaluation results.  As a sponsor, you can choose to either maintain the actual evaluation forms or the summary of evaluation results or both.

Tools and Templates