National Registry of CPE Sponsors

National Registry of CPE Sponsors


What Sponsors Need to Know

How Important are Timely Responses to State Board Inquiries?

CPE program sponsors approved on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors are responsible for providing high quality CPE programs and adhering to the Statement on Standards for CPE Programs (Standards). As a condition of membership on the Registry, the CPE program sponsor agrees to respond timely to inquiries and requests from the Registry team. As acknowledged in the Sponsor Agreement, this responsibility extends to inquiries and requests from State Boards of Accountancy (Boards).  

A common request from Boards involves the verification of a CPA’s completion of CPE courses. This verification is crucial for a Board when completing an audit of a CPA’s documentation submitted in order to maintain or renew his/her license. Timely and accurate responses from CPE program sponsors ensure that these CPAs can maintain their licensure without unnecessary delays.  When sponsors respond quickly, they demonstrate their commitment to transparency, accountability and the continuous improvement of their programs. 

Boards have final authority on the acceptance of CPE courses for CPE credit. Failure to respond promptly can lead to serious consequences, including suspension or revocation of sponsorship status. By prioritizing prompt responses, sponsors can avoid these negative outcomes and maintain their standing as reputable providers of continuing education. 

We urge all CPE sponsors to recognize the significance of this responsibility and prioritize timely communication as an integral part of their Registry membership commitment. 

July 2024
