Yellow Book CPE

P.O. Box 202138Austin, TX
United States
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NASBA Approved providers:
- National Registry
Registry ID:
109217Approved Delivery Method:
- Group Internet Based
- Group Live
- QAS Self Study
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Field of Study:
- Auditing (Govmnt)
Credit Hours:
- 13 - 16 credits
Is it time for you to know the Yellow Book really know it? Let Leita be your guide as she converts the GAOs Government Auditing Standards into plain English and helps you apply its unique standard ... -
Field of Study:
- Auditing (Govmnt)
Credit Hours:
- 9 - 12 credits
The Yellow Book places responsibility on you, as an auditor, to design your audit to detect fraud. But what does fraud look like? What techniques can you use to find it? And how does it rear its ugly ... -
Field of Study:
- Auditing (Govmnt)
Credit Hours:
- 5 - 8 credits
Do you seem to get caught in an endless cycle of review and revision in your audit shop? In this course, we will diagnose and help resolve the root cause of your problems. The Yellow Book requires the ...Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
Field of Study:
- Auditing
Credit Hours:
- 9 - 12 credits
Let Leita guide you through every step of conducting an audit including assessing risk, refining the audit objective, choosing methodologies, and documenting your work. The auditors responsibilities ... -
Field of Study:
- Auditing (Govmnt)
Credit Hours:
- 9 - 12 credits
Government audits are unusually complex. Let Leita guide you through every step of conducting an audit including assessing risk, refining the audit objective, choosing methodologies, and documenting y ...Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
Field of Study:
- Auditing (Govmnt)
Credit Hours:
- 5 - 8 credits
Interviewing is one of the auditors most common tasks, but it is also a vital part of a successful auditor/client relationship. This course focuses on how to be a facilitator instead of an interrogat ... -
Field of Study:
- Accounting (Govmnt)
- Auditing (Govmnt)
Credit Hours:
- 5 - 8 credits
Even for those familiar with it, Lean Six Sigma can mean different things to different people depending on the situation. Sometimes, it indicates a manufacturing technique designed to reduce waste and ... -
Field of Study:
- Accounting (Govmnt)
Credit Hours:
- 5 - 8 credits
Truth is stranger than fiction when it comes to the creative way that grantees use their grant resources. Let Sefton and Bill, auditors with over 70 combined years of federal, state, and municipal aud ... -
Field of Study:
- Accounting (Govmnt)
- Auditing (Govmnt)
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
Single audits are different. The federal government demands a lot of a grantee and their auditor. In this course, we will cover the audit requirements that exceed AICPA standards in the GAOs Yellow B ...Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
Field of Study:
- Regulatory Ethics
Credit Hours:
- 1 - 4 credits
Subsequent to the collapse of Enron and the controversies surrounding Arthur Andersen, the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy (TSBPA) decided that two hours of board-approved ethics continuing pr ... -
Field of Study:
- Finance
Credit Hours:
- 5 - 8 credits
Cash is the most powerful asset your business can have. The Four Principles of Happy Cash Flow reveals four simple rules to keep the cash flowing through your business. In addition to these principles ...Delivery Method:
- QAS Self Study
11 Results