Academy for Institutional Investors
Academy for Institutional Investors was created by senior investment decision makers who are responsible for making critical decisions and who have fiduciary oversight associated with an investment portfolio. We believe that investor education, community building and bringing industry peers together for face-to-face conversations and debate are critical to good decision-making and investment outcomes as we all continue to serve our communities going forward. Academy for Institutional Investors is a membership association committed to providing a unique educational and networking platform for senior investment decision makers from leading endowments, foundations, pensions funds, sovereign wealth funds, family offices, high net worth individuals, asset management firms, consultants, RIAs, financial advisors and other professionals.
The Academy is dedicated to educating its participants on the latest developments and trends in the financial marketplace through high-level programming and was created to bring investment professionals together for conversation, debate, problem-solving and networking. Our distinguished speaker faculty, panelists and facilitators have the expertise and knowledge to present various educational topics on the current economic environment and are very familiar with the perspectives of both the individual and institutional investor. Academy for Institutional Investors has designed a series of programs (Spring & Fall Forums) representing high-level strategic sessions including interactive panel discussions and keynote presentations led by visionaries in our industry. Our forums provide further opportunities to strengthen relationships with colleagues and sharpen the understanding of critical factors in both long and short-term investing.
500 Calderbank WayCary, NC
United States
Contact Sponsor
NASBA Approved providers:
- National Registry
Registry ID:
109180Approved Delivery Method:
- Group Live
November 14-15, 2016 The Salamander Resort & Spa, Middleburg, VA www.theinvestmentinstitute.orgProgram Level:
AdvancedDelivery Method:
- Group Live
- NC
- VA