Additional Delivery Method (ADM)
ADM Application Fees
1. Request an Additional Delivery Method (ADM) Application (Insert link to interest form)
After the complete interest form is submitted, a link to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors ADM Application will be sent to the main contact. The email address is Make sure you are able to accept emails from the above address.
2. Familiarize Yourself with the Standards and Best Practices
Before proceeding with the online ADM application, we ask that you make yourself familiar with the Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs (revised December 2024). These are the Standards by which your application will be measured. (THIS SHOULD BE THE NEW STANDARDS)
The Best Practices site has been developed to assist in the development, presentation, measurement, and reporting of CPE programs. Please visit the Best Practices site here.
3. Complete Additional Delivery Method Application
Applications will not be submitted until all required fields are complete. The online application form will allow you to save and return to complete it at a later date. You will be prompted to supply a login and password to access the incomplete form.
4. Main Contact Notified of Status
Once you have submitted your ADM application, you will receive a confirmation email.
5. Application Review Process Begins
The application will be complete upon submission along with the required fees. Applications are reviewed in the order in which they are received. Our intention is to begin the application review process as soon as possible, with the intention of providing feedback to you within 6 weeks.
Application Review Process
Program List
If all program offerings have not yet been determined, submit the known course offerings and remit fees based on that program offering level. If, during the year, your organization will exceed the number of program offerings included in the initial application, please contact your National Registry account administrator.
Administrative Documents
- Administrative Policies
- Content development policies
- Evaluation Form
- Certificate of Completion
- Promotional or course announcement materials (internal or external)
Content Review
One program for each instructional delivery method for which you are applying is reviewed for content and technical accuracy.
The classroom or conference instructor/presenter is a vital part of the content delivery; thus the extent of content review for Group Live is limited. The course agenda, slides, and instructor notes (as available) will be reviewed for content appropriate for CPE credit, as well as the element of engagement as stated in the Standards.
Request for Modifications
If there are areas of non-compliance, your National Registry account administrator will send you an email requesting modifications. Please look at each element on the modification request. If you have any questions, please contact your account administrator. You will have two weeks from the date of the email to submit the modified documentation and materials. You have two opportunities to make required modifications. After two opportunities to make modifications and the documents remain noncompliant, the application will be closed.
Application Approved
Once your initial application is approved, you will be provided with a National Registry of CPE Sponsors ID number and approval letter.