National Registry of CPE Sponsors

National Registry of CPE Sponsors


CPE Requirements


Date of Last Revision:    11/9/2022

License Renewal Date
Last day of birth month annually

CPE Reporting Period
1/1 to 12/31 triennial rolling

General Requirement
120 hours
20 hours per year

Ethics Requirement
Four (4) hours of professional ethics

Other Subject Area Requirements

  • A minimum of 72 hours of the 120 hours earned shall be in subject areas related to the practice of public accounting with at least 8 hours completed each year in the specific areas of accounting, taxation, or assurance, if a CPA's main area of employment is industry.
  • A minimum of 4 hours per year in the subject area of compilation engagements (not compilation and review) if the licensee is actively involved in the supervision or review of compilation engagements for third party reliance, unless the licensee or the licensees firm is enrolled in an approved peer review program.

Credit Limitations

  • Instruction: Repeat presentations of the same course are not granted credit unless the material is substantially different.
  • Published Materials: Limited 10 hours per calendar year.
  • Self Study: The delivery method must be Interactive and the provider must be Board or NASBA approved or must be the AICPA.
  • Blended Learning Programs: Blended learning credit is accepted if the credit amount is within the current rounding rules (0.5 credits after the first full credit).
  • Nano Learning: Limited to 20 courses per year.  

Credit Calculation

  • Instruction: Instructors, discussion leaders or speakers receive CPE credit for actual preparation time up to two times the time for presentation.
    • Instructors of university or college courses can claim a maximum of fifteen (15) CPE credits per college credit hour taught to the extent the preparation required for the course maintains or improves their professional competence.
  • Partial Credit: Credit accepted in any amount.
  • University/college credit: Each semester hour equals 15 CPE hours; each quarter hour equals 10 CPE hours; Non-credit courses: Each classroom hour will equal 1 hr CPE.

Other State Policies

  • Structured programs of learning that maintain or increase their professional competence and ability to deliver public accounting services qualify for credit.
  • Oklahoma does not pre-approve or pre-qualify any programs or any sponsors.

Exemption from Requirements of CPE:

Certificate of license holders who reside and are registered as a CPA or PA in another state who demonstrate compliance with the resident state’s CPE requirements. Registrants whose state of residence does not have a CPE requirement shall comply with Oklahoma CPE reporting requirements.

View Oklahoma Accountancy Board Contact Information 

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