National Registry of CPE Sponsors

National Registry of CPE Sponsors


CPE Monitor Newsletters

Update: Status of the Proposed Revisions to the CPE Standards


In May 2022, the CPE Standards Working Group began its review and evaluation of The Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs (Standards). In addition to reviewing the Standards in their entirety, the Working Group is considering innovations, trends and techniques in CPE, as well as ideas and suggestions related to clarifications and modifications of the 2019 Standards. Because the NASBA Fields of Study document is referenced within the Standards, the Working Group also reviewed and Group of diverse professionals discussing the Standardsevaluated the Fields of Study document for currency and relevancy. 


NASBA’s CPE Committee reviewed the recommendation at its August 2022 meeting. The CPE Committee approved the recommendation to the Standards with one addition/revision and approved the recommendation to the Fields of Study document without revision. 


In September 2022, the Joint AICPA/NASBA CPE Standards Committee met and reviewed the recommendation of revisions to the Standards and Fields of Study document. The Joint Committee approved the recommendation to the Standards without revision and made one addition to the Fields of Study document. 


The Joint Committee is seeking approval from the NASBA and AICPA Boards of Directors to release the proposed revisions to the Standards and the Fields of Study document as an Exposure Draft at their respective October and November meetings.


The National Registry team will continue to keep Sponsors informed as each step in the process is reached and completed. 

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