National Registry of CPE Sponsors

National Registry of CPE Sponsors


CPE Monitor Newsletters

Tips for Applying for an Additional Delivery Method

Apr 01, 2022

Registry Sponsors wishing to provide learning in an instructional delivery method for which they are not approved must complete the Additional Delivery Method (ADM) application. The ADM application review process involves reviewing the documents submitted with the application, such as the administrative policies, content development policies, evaluation form, certificate of completion, promotional or program announcement materials, as well as required delivery method documentation for compliance with the Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs (Standards)

Illustration of conversation bubble with the words "Helpful Tips" inside, with yellow light bulb in top left corner and light blue backgroundThe National Registry offers approval for the five instructional delivery methods detailed in the Standards: Group Live, Group Internet Based (GIB), QAS Self Study, Nano Learning, and Blended Learning.  

For a definition of each instructional delivery method, please see the Article I - Definitions section in the Standards. 

Instructional delivery method approvals are not interchangeable on the National Registry (i.e., you cannot swap Group Live approval for Group Internet Based approval) because there are different requirements for each delivery method included in the Standards. Sponsors must apply for approval for each instructional delivery method for the CPE credits that will be issued, and the National Registry must observe one, fully developed program of the respective instructional delivery method to ensure the requirements outlined in the Standards have been met.   

Please note that if you do not have one program fully developed and ready to deliver to participants for the instructional delivery method of interest, then you are not ready to apply to the National Registry. 

Here are some helpful tips to consider when applying for an ADM: 

Tip #1 

When completing the interest form to request an application through the “Apply Now” link on the National Registry website,, select “Registry-ADM (Additional Delivery Method)” as the product of interest and the correct instructional delivery method. Submission of this form will generate an email from the Registry within one to two business days with a link to the online application. 

Tip #2 

Asian professional woman providing tips for applying for an additional delivery methodWhen completing the ADM application, select the number of programs you wish to offer for the instructional delivery method. If applying for the QAS Self Study delivery method, select the number of CPE credits offered for the program submitted with the application. 

Tip # 3 

Provide compliant documents for the program and the instructional delivery method that you have selected for submission. If you are submitting a program titled, Update on Lease Accounting Standards, then the program title on the certificate of completion and the program title and description on the promotional materials should be for the program, Update on Lease Accounting Standards. The submitted biographies for the instructor(s)/developer(s) and the reviewer should be for the program titled, Update on Lease Accounting Standards. 

Also, the instructional delivery method on the documents submitted with the application should note the desired instructional delivery method. For example, if you are applying for Group Internet Based, then all submitted documents with the application should reflect Group Internet Based. Visit the National Registry website for sample templates for each instructional delivery method. 

Tip # 4 

Submit a fully developed program for the applied instructional delivery method. If you are applying for Group Live, the National Registry team will review the program slide deck or outline/speaker notes. For the Group Internet Based delivery method, a program or demonstration for course content as well as the required attendance monitoring mechanisms will be observed. For the QAS Self Study delivery method, a preliminary review will be conducted to measure whether the minimum requirements have been included in the course.  

These minimum requirements can be referenced here. If the program does not pass the preliminary review, then the application is withdrawn without further consideration. If the program passes the preliminary review, then a detailed review of the submitted program will be performed to ensure adherence to the self study requirements detailed in the Standards. 

Tip # 5 

Approval of the ADM application will add the new instructional delivery method to your existing Registry membership. It does not impact your Registry renewal date. For example, if you are currently approved for the Group Live delivery method and your Registry renewal date is March 1 and your ADM of Group Internet Based is approved in September, then the renewal date going forward remains March 1. In March of the following year, your membership now includes both the Group Live and Group Internet Based delivery methods. You would select the program offering level on the renewal application for the combined program offerings of Group Live and Group Internet Based. 

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