National Registry of CPE Sponsors

National Registry of CPE Sponsors


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Sponsors Come Together for 2022 National Registry Summit


2022 Registry Summit Attendees Laughing and Clapping More than 200 learning providers convened in Nashville, TN, September 20-21, to attend NASBA’s 2022 National Registry Summit. The Summit’s theme “Coming Together” was realized as the conference returned to its in-person format for the first time since 2019.

Two keynote speakers headlined the Summit, providing attendees an opportunity to examine generational trends in learning and to explore creative ways to engage their respective audiences. Kicking off the Summit agenda was Generational Expert Matt Havens. Through his Stop Acting Your Age presentation, Havens touched on simple strategies for understanding and managing generational differences. In an interactive session titled, Trends in Training, Digital Learning Expert Cindy Huggett shared insights and best practices for delivering successful hybrid events.

Back by Popular Demand, Summit attendees learned about the latest advancements in automated CPE attendance tracking and how to keep learners engaged in the post pandemic era as shared by Conferences i/o Co-founder and CEO, John Pytel. Conferences i/o has been an instrumental tool used by National Registry Sponsors to facilitate greater conference engagement and feedback.

2022 Registry Summit Attendee Speaking with Microphone

Additional topics of discussion included presentations on regulatory changes in CPE and compliance considerations, updates on revisions to the CPE Standards, avoiding compliance pitfalls, and an update on the CPA Evolution initiative.

Registry Sponsors also had several opportunities to engage with fellow Sponsors and NASBA Registry team members through a variety of networking activities held throughout the two-day Summit. NASBA looks forward to hosting future Registry Summits. Stay tuned for additional details in 2023.

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