National Registry of CPE Sponsors

National Registry of CPE Sponsors


CPE Monitor Newsletters



The public comment period for the Exposure Draft on the proposed revisions to the Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs (CPE Standards) as well as the NASBA Fields of Study document closed on March 31, 2023. 

Group Reviewing Revisions to StandardsPublished jointly by NASBA and the AICPA, the CPE Standards provides a foundation for the development, presentation, measurement and reporting of CPE programs. The CPE Standards reference the NASBA Fields of Study document and therefore the Fields of Study document was reviewed and evaluated for currency and relevancy. 19 comment letters were received from a variety of sources. All submitted comment letters were reviewed and considered by the CPE Standards Working Group in May 2023 for additional revisions to the CPE Standards and the NASBA Fields of Study document. 

The CPE Standards Working Group made their final recommendation of revisions to the CPE Standards and the NASBA Fields of Study document. The final recommendations were approved by NASBA’s CPE Committee in August 2023 and the Joint AIPCA/NASBA CPE Standards Committee in September 2023.  A copy of the final recommendation of the CPE Standards and Fields of Study document can be found on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors website. 

Approval for final issuance from the NASBA and AICPA Boards of Directors is being requested at their respective October and November 2023 meetings. It is anticipated that the revised CPE Standards and Fields of Study document will be effective January 1, 2024. 

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