National Registry of CPE Sponsors

National Registry of CPE Sponsors


CPE Monitor Newsletters

2024 National Registry Summit


Please join us September 17 -18, at the Hutton Hotel in Nashville, TN, for the 2024 National Registry Summit, where Summit goers will be reimagining CPE with AI, engagement and innovation. 

The National Registry Summit provides sponsors with information on trends in professional education, emerging technologies and innovations in learning and information and resources to assist in the implementation of the Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs (Standards) in an environment that encourages sharing and networking.  

Discover how leading professionals are keeping pace with the evolving landscape of technology and learning and gain invaluable insights and tips to adapt to these changes with confidence. Unlock the brain science behind knowledge transfer and how digital technologies fit into this concept. Explore the question: Does good learning feel good? Prepare to be inspired as the secrets to creating truly impactful learning experiences are uncovered. 

Logo for 2024 National Registry Summit

Courtney Clark will kick off the Summit providing a boost in resilience. Most people (and organizations) are good at setting goals and making plans, but not very good at revising those plans when things change. That’s the real work of resilience.  Backed by Courtney’s data-driven research, ReVisionary Thinking offers concrete strategies for building “future readiness” and blazing a new path when the goalposts move on you.   

The morning will continue with a valuable session from Erika Bialek on Authoring Accessibly, recognizing the importance of inclusive learning environments. Attendees will take away practical strategies to design instructional materials and processes. You do not want to miss this opportunity to enhance your educational impact!

After lunch, Dr. Jared Horvath, a neuroscientist and educator specializing in human learning, memory and brain stimulation, will dive into the challenges of knowledge transfer. Why do we struggle? What is required for effective knowledge transfer to occur?  And what steps can be taken to get there? Dr. Horvath will also uncover how digital technologies fit into the transfer process.

Rounding out Tuesday’s general session, Dr. Matthew Hays and Ann Lerner will explore the question, “Does Good Learning Feel Good?” Educators and learners often gravitate toward what feels beneficial. In doing so, however, they often sacrifice long-term learning for short-term gains. In this session you will learn to evaluate how analytics can help you improve your training content, calculate ROI and even detect operational issues that training alone can’t possibly solve. 

Breakout sessions will be offered again this year, and the Summit will offer something for everyone! From deep dives into neuroscience and instructional design to compliance standards, desk audits and best practices, you will find practical knowledge to elevate your CPE game.

The second day of the Summit will begin with keynote speaker, Myra Roldan. This session demystifies AI and reveals its immense potential to revolutionize business operations. Through dynamic polls, engaging peer discussions, and hands-on activities, you'll explore AI's capabilities, ethical considerations and best practices for integration.  Myra’s work note will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the AI frontier and seize new opportunities.

Can't get away to Nashville for the Summit?  The same great content and engagement will be offered virtually on Zoom.   

Mark your calendars now and register for the 2024 National Registry Summit! The National Registry team looks forward to welcoming everyone to Nashville!  Register here.



July 2024

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