National Registry of CPE Sponsors

National Registry of CPE Sponsors


Course Library

Understanding Payroll Forms

Oct 26, 2023 by: Shannon Theis Royalwise Solutions Inc.

Understanding Payroll Forms Class Description

Running Payroll accurately is necessary to keeping your employees motivated to help your company succeed. But it’s just as important to keep the government happy with your business compliance. 

Many businesses rely on their payroll software’s automation to do the thinking for them. That’s not sufficient! While you can plug in your employee’s hours and wages, then let the software generate the paychecks and submit your tax forms, there’s more to know!

In this class we’ll look at business forms…so you can form your own opinion!

  • What forms do your employees need to fill out when you onboard them?
  • Which forms do your contractors need to give you when you hire them?
  • Where are the federal and state forms you need to submit every week, month, quarter, and year?

You will learn to read a Payroll Summary report and extract the data to enter on tax forms.

Instructor Shannon Ballman Theis, the Payroll Queen, will walk you through all the basics you need to get started. If you want even more, attendees will receive a discount code towards her full detailed course.

After Completing this course, you will be able to: 

  • Identify the correct forms to give to new hires

  • Identify which forms are required from new vendors

  • Recall which forms to submit to the proper authorities on a timely basis

  • Describe how to make corrections if there are errors

  • Define the process for terminated and deceased employee paperwork

  • Recognize a Payroll Summary report and how it relates to tax forms


What You’ll Learn 

  • W-4, I-9, and W-2 forms for employees

  • W-9, 1099, and 945 forms for contractors

  • 941, 943, and 944 Federal withholding forms

  • 940 annual Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) tax form

  • State tax filing

  • Submitting Corrections

  • Terminating employees

  • Separating deceased employees


Who should take this class?

  • Small Business Owners to understand payroll requirements
  • Bookkeepers to know what forms to track
  • Employees who manage payroll for their company
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